Thursday, November 23, 2006


Thanksgiving is...amazing. I keep trying to think of ways to express how much I love it, but my tummy is full of tofurkey and it's making me feel a little fuzzy-headed. It was just me, Tyler, Robbie (my brother), and Erin (Tyler's sister) this year, which was kind of nice because it kept things low-pressure. I missed the rest of my family, but humored myself imagining what they would say about my little tofurkey lump.
I actually roasted a real turkey this year, for the benefit of my loved ones, and from what I hear it came out great. Also on the menu were yams, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, stuffing, rolls, apple pie, and pumpkin pie, all of which were ho-made (or, as my mom would say, "made by real ho's!"). I made this really tasty baked spinach dip for pre-dinner snacking, and I promise to post the recipe for it tomorrow or the next day.
Ursula posted a picture of my roasting turkey on her blog (Twice The Price), so everyone should mosey over there to check it out. I think it's important to have photographic evidence of my Vegan Treason. Hahaha.
Alright, well, I'm off to watch American Psycho with Tyler and maybe digest enough to sneak in another slice of pie before bed.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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