Sunday, February 11, 2007

Baked Tofu Tutorial

Sorry, everyone. I got a new job last week, and it's pretty much consumed all my mental energies.
However, it's the weekend now and I'm beginning to feel almost well-rested, so you may find yourselves with another new recipe on your hands later today. We'll see... In the meantime, I'm posting this excellent tutorial for baking tofu, mostly for my baby sister who works at Pizza Hut and doesn't know nothin bout no healthy faggot food...but she wants to. Katie, remember baked tofu can go in ANYTHING--salads, stir fries, sandwiches, or you can marinate it and eat it by itself as a snack. It's mighty tasty.

OVEN 375°
1. Wrap the block of tofu in a clean, lint-free towel, place it in a colander, and place the colander in the sink.
2. Place a plate over the towel-covered tofu, then a heavy can or other weight on top, and leave to press for 30 minutes.
3. Remove the tofu from the towel and cut into 1/2-inch thick slices. I like to cut it into triangles because it makes the corners nice and crispy.
4. Lightly oil (or spray with oil) a 9 x 13-inch baking pan, place the tofu slices in a single layer in the baking pan.
5. Put that shit in the oven, and bake it about 30 minutes, or until crispy and golden brown on the outside. Remember to flip the tofu over after about the first 15 minutes, so it bakes evenly on both sides.

This tutorial comes courtesy of, by the way. Unfortunately, I am unable to invent a clever new way to bake tofu, and this one pretty much covers the bases.

Tofu can be marinated the same as meat, but you never need to let it sit more than an hour. Really, a half hour is more than sufficient. Tofu is a mighty absorbent food. Also, it's always yummy to just sprinkle some dry spices over the tofu before popping it in the oven. Easy, done. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Thank you! I'm about to go grocery shopping, so I'll get a big hunk for practice.

And where do you work now?


C. said...

Ike's Coffee and Tea.

It's a little hip for my taste, but the pay is good and I never have to work any later than 7.

Caty said...

Sounds great! What do you normally marinate your tofu in?

C. said...

I am fond of anything involving lemon and garlic, but if that's not really your cup of tea, you could try an orange and sesame marinade, teryaki sauce, barbecue sauce...pretty much anything liquid-ey...that's the beauty of tofu. You don't nessecarily need a 3 to 1 oil to acid ratio because tofu just soaks everything up.
That peanut sauce recipe I posted a while ago is also great for marinating tofu, especially if you're planning on making stir fry. It's sometimes a bummer to be eating a super flavorful dish, and then get this big, gooey, flavorless blob of tofu, so I say marinate, and cook the shit out of it. Nobody likes flavorless goo, and if they do it's because they're gross and probably sold their soul to Satan in exchange for hemp socks.

Ev said...

hey! Don't be dissing the hemp socks! I have it on good authority that some very cool middle aged dykes wear hemp socks with their Birkies and unshaven legs.

Katie's making good tips now and she can load up on expensive faggot food. So keep the recipes coming!
