Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Perfect Lentil Soup

Yeah, I know. Lentil soup, boring way to kick things off, but the weather is just right and this soup is freaking delicious, so I have to do it anyway. Plus, it's incredibly easy to make, and totally good for you, so you really can't ask for anything more than that.

*2 to 3 quarts vegetable broth
*2 1/2 cups uncooked green lentils, rinsed
*2 stalks celery, chopped
*1/2 medium onion, diced
*2 carrots, sliced to desired thickness
*1 large potato (or 2 small to medium ones), diced, but peeling is optional
*some fresh spinach, sliced
*3 tbsp garlic powder
*2 tbsp dried basil (fresh is hard to get this time o' year)
*salt and pepper to taste

1. In a large pot, bring the vegetable broth to a boil. Add the rinsed lentils, which will need to be simmered in the broth for a total of one hour.
2. 15 minutes after adding the lentils, add the celery, onion, and spices.
3. 15 minutes after adding the celery and onion, add the potato and carrots. Continue simmering.
4. When a full hour has passed since the lentils began cooking, add the spinach and cook until wilted.
5. Season to taste and serve with bread or whatever.

This serves about eight and takes maybe an hour and fifteen minutes to make, start to finish.

Happy cooking!


Ursula said...

so, I'm the crafty bitch. that must make you the cookin' bitch. we are all a bunch of bitches. Love the site, love the idea, love it.

Anonymous said...

>*4 quarts vegetable broth

Being poverty-stricken, you no doubt know that this stuff is expensive, off the shelf. (Pushing $4/qt here in the Wash. D.C. area!) It is usually the most expensive component of the soups I make.

It would be a true public service if you would post a recipe for the veggie broth itself.

-Yours in astrological and chromosomal relation, Steve.

Anonymous said...

I was at the grocery store last night and I bought lentils for soup, but I didn't have a recipe until now! Very impressive ESP skills! (I'm the crafty bitch's little bitch sister.)

C. said...

I'll be sure to post one some time in the next couple days. Thanks for the suggestion!

C. said...

Having given this some reconsideration, Steve, making your own broth is pretty much the biggest pain in the ass of soup cookery. However, the thrifty shopper knows that one doesn't have to buy the already made crap on the shelf when there are plenty of powders, cubes, and bouillions available at a much cheaper price.

Kwach said...

Okay! I made the lentil soup yesterday and Katie pronounced it "awesome"! I didn't have carrots, but I don't guess that detracted from it measurably.

Oh, and Steve? I used an 8 oz container of vegetable stock in three quarts of water, because that's what I had on hand ... worked very well.

(This soup would totally rock with a ham hock in it, btw.) : )