Sunday, December 10, 2006


I've been a bad blogger. Work's been crazy, street fair was this weekend, the sun was in my eyes, I tripped over a rock...
Tomorrow is my first day off in a week. I'll post a recipe, and some apologies.


Ev said...

I hope so. We're anxiously awaiting your whore tree!

Oh, And my friend Lizzie is anxious for more recipes for lactose intolerant, non-pork eating people.

Kwach said...

Did your mom tell you that Lizzie and Bilal got hungry reading your blog the other night and got to thinking how good one of your recipes would go with steak ... but you can't get a steak dinner here at 2am ... so they went to the grocery store and bought steaks to cook in the middle of the night ... lol.

: )


C. said...

Hahaha, I'm glad my recipes are good with steak, I guess.
Tyler's recently discovered that I make really good (non-vegan) cheeseburgers, so I've had to do a lot more creative menu arranging so that his dead food will still taste good with my wuss food. Hopefully that's the source of the good steak-coordinating recipes.

Ursula said...

I'm glad you are back. If you were not my neighbor, I might have started a search party. And, I'm going to come take a picture of your whore tree so that you can post it. Everyone should see her in all her glory.

C. said...

Tree: "Feeeeed meeeee!!!"

Me: "C'mon, Audrey, you already ate Robbie!"

Tree: "Feeeeed meeeee!!!"