Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Not-So-Poor Vegan?

Tyler and I have decided to move to Southern Illinois, in order to enjoy such perks of small town life as peace, quiet, and financial stability.
This, of course, means I will be living in a place where vegetables actually grow, and get to experiment with all kinds of fun new ingredients. I've already checked out the vegan-friendly shopping situation there, and it looks like the region has clawed it's way out of the dark ages after all.
Needless to say, I am very, very excited about this move. We're planning on leaving Tucson at the end of May, just in time to enjoy the sweltering heat and humidity of the lower Midwest. Never again will I have to hear the words "Yeah, but it's a dry heat!" 110 degrees is fucking blazing, dry or not.

Anywho, expect a new recipe sometime in the next couple days!


Anonymous said...

*cue ecstatic squealing*


C. said...

Haha, just keep squealing. Only four more months of squealing until I get there.

Ev said...

We can share an organic garden! I'll grow tomatoes, broccoli and hops and you can grow tofu and tahini. :-)

Okay...really...I'm excited about you guys coming home. I'll share my broccoli with you, and you can make the hummus. Yay!


C. said...


I love broccoli.